About CJ

Welcome ...

CJ seeks to promote modern jazz around Canberra. Canberra has a vibrant jazz scene, thanks to the local Jazz School, feeder high schools and the eclectic interests of Canberra's inhabitants. CJ also includes various classical and other musics, and arts and other interests, from around Canberra and from occasional travels.

CJBlog offers reports of jazz and other events and a record the local jazz scene through pics of performing artists. Use the index on the CJBlog page for names and places.

Musos can announce gigs on the Canberra Jazz group on Facebook. CJGrp currently has 2.4K members (end-2024). Join the group first, then post. Irrelevant posts will be removed, often with the poster.

CJ is brought to you by Eric Pozza, long time music lover, bassist and author, editor, photographer, webmaster, owner and general dogs body for the site.

If you wish to contribute to Canberra Jazz, contact Eric. See the Contact page for email.

Band referrals

Need a jazz band for your wedding, bar or other event? CJ will refer you to a band, or vice versa. No charge. Contact Eric at CJ.


I'm generous with my time and my content, but please treat with respect. I release the content on CJ (including pics and CJBlog reports) under a Creative Commons licence. See details at the link below. Thanks for your interest and contact me with any special requests for reuse.

Creative Commons License: This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 2.5 Australia License


Eric also does studio work as ePea Studio, recording local musics and mixing/mastering multitracks from Smiths (thanks, Bevan) and for ArtSound. At end-2024, he's released 9 solo home studio albums under the pseudonym The Pots / Bassist EP (spoken word/electronica/progrock with political themes) and has 2 classical albums for Musica da Camera Canberra. Check out the ePea page.

Write for CJ

Friends of CJ are welcome to write reports or other significant pieces, or to provide pics of jazz events. See CJ's Instructions for authors for guidance, but basically the message is be positive, be intelligent, perhaps be witty. I reserve the right to remove any inflamatory content but I don't expect this will be necessary.

> Instructions for authors


This is a general statement of product disclosures and potential conflicts of interest by your editor and author. As at the date of this publication, CJ has received a few but very limited free benefits that may be construed to be related to this site. From memory, I estimate: free CDs (~20, although I have a policy not to review CDs), free gig entrances (~10), Festival media passes (1: Wangaratta 2009), invitations to pre-gig cocktail parties (1), free bass lessons (1). The benefits are trivial and the demands on my time and energy are prodigious: CJ is certainly not a business proposition. I'm generous with my praise on CJ, but there's a good reason: see my Instructions for authors for my approach to writing for CJ. I trust this statement will defray responsibilities under relevant USFTC regulations, or at least display goodwill in these matters. Eric, 20 Oct 2009